ost ladies of a 'certain age' are content to sink into well deserved retirement; not so Doreen Roberts aka (Felicity Gunge) who after a life time spent bringing up a family and helping her husband Al in his Antique Furniture Restoration business, has discovered a flair for words. Following a series of crushing blows which would have reduced most people to a life of mind-numbing inactivity including a heart attack, the onset of chronic angina, breast cancer and the sudden devastating lost of her husband, Doreen, now an octogenarian, can't stop writing: poems, short stories, even two full length novels, the words just keep flowing. From quirky humorous pieces to ballads of smugglers; from magical tales of intrigue and mystery to sensuous outpourings, her range is prodigious.
The following contains but a sample of her work; read and enjoy.
All work copyright Doreen Roberts